Chris Williams, MD, PhD (Gastroenterology, bench research, director of the MSTP, institutional representative for the ASCI)
Patrick Hu, MD, PhD (Hematology Oncology, bench research, director of the Harrison Society)
Julie Bastarache, MD (Pulmonary, bench and clinical research)
John Koethe, MD (Infecious Diseases, clinical research)
Wonder Drake, MD (Infectious Diseases, bench-translational research)
Tenure Track
2022: Lori Coburn, MD (Gastroenterology, bench research)
2023: William Martinez, MD (Internal Medicine, clinical research)
2024: Ray Blind, PhD (Endocrinology, bench research)
2024: Brent Ferrell, MD (Hematology Oncology, bench research)
2024: Jessica Castilho, MD (Infectious Diseases, clinical research)
2026: Ebele Umeukeje, MD (Nephrology, clinical research)
2026: Staci Sudenga, PhD (Epi, biorepositories-clinical)
2027: Rachelle Johnson PhD (Clin Pharm, basic)
2027: Danielle Dean PhD (Endocrinology, basic)
2028: Rachel Bonami PhD (Rheumatology, bench research)
2028: Bradley Richmond MD PhD (Pulmonary, basic, and translational)
2029: Wenliang Song, MD (Cardiovascular Medicine, basic and clinical research)
2029: Alex Bick MD PhD (Gentic Medicine, basic and epidemiology)