The Neilson Society was developed to provide department level support for all of the junior faculty on the tenure track in the DOM. This is achieved through a variety of activities. First and foremost, Mark de Caestecker, Vice Chair for Faculty Development in the DOM and Director of the Neilson Society, will arrange one on one meetings with all junior faculty shortly after they are hired, and will then arrange to follow up either in person, or with annual reviews of your progress to see how you are getting along. We encourage all Neilson Society members to take part in this mentoring opportunity, with the goal of making your career progression towards your tenure as efficient and painless as possible for you and your mentors. This mentoring support is complementary to and does not supplant the mentoring you will obtain from the division chief, your research mentor(s), and other training programs (such as the Newman Society for tenure track faculty with career development awards).


However, we will be able to provide a completely independent set of ye that you may or may not choose to implement

In addition to this core activity, the Neilson Society organizes a number of additional activities