Selim Tanriveri, BS

Selim held position as Research Engineer.

Lauren Clancy

Lauren Clancy, PhD

Dr. Clancy completed her PhD training in 2017 under Dr. Freedman's supervision in the Translational Science program of the Graduate school of Biomedical Sciences.

Lea Beaulieu

Lea Beaulieu, PhD

Dr. Beaulieu held the position of Instructor under Dr. Freedman's supervision and is currently Associate Director at Platelet BioGenesis.

Ekaterina Mikhalev

Ekaterina Mikhalev, BS

Held the position of Research Associate.

Hyungjoo Kang

Hyung-Joo Kang, MS

Held the position of Biostatistician.

Evangelia Malahias

Evangelia Malahias, BS

Held the position of Research Associate.