Former Lab Member | Current Role | Current Affiliation |
Min Joo Kim | Student | Vanderbilt University |
Stephanie Brandt, PhD | Prinicipal Investigator | University of California, San Diego |
Nathan Klopfenstein, PhD | Scientist | Sanofi |
Bin Ni, MD, PhD | Transplant Infectious Disease Clinical Fellow | Duke University Health Center |
Anderson de Sa-Nunes, PhD | Associate Professor | University of São Paulo |
Kristen Noble, MD, PhD | Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Neonatology | Vanderbilt University Medical Center |
Marco Lapa, PhD | Clinical Surveillance Scientist | Eli Lilly and Company |
Paulo de Melo, PhD | Research Fellow | Research fellow at University of Saão Paulo |
Cedrick Shili, PhD | Assistant Professor of Animal Science | Alcorn State University |
Leticia de Aquino Penteado, PhD | PhD Graduate Student Candidate | University of São Paulo |
Nayara Pereira, MSc | Graduate Student | University of São Paulo |
Allison Judge, PhD | Researcher/ Graduate Student | Baylor College of Medicine |
Sarah Sturgeon | Research Assistant | Research Scientist at Vanderbilt Antibody and Protein Resource (VAPR) Core |
Julia Bazzano | PhD Candidate | Ford Lab - Emory University |