CVICU Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Vanderbilt University Medical Center's Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit recently received a generous gift from the John Bucuvalas family, intended to show appreciation for the incredible care…
AHA Scientific Sessions 2024
The Dr. DeFilippis lab is gearing up for a big moment at the American Heart Association’s annual Scientific Sessions in Chicago this November. We're thrilled to announce that we'll be presenting *…
Frontiers Publication Officially Live!
We are proud to announce the publication of our manuscript titled "Characterization of Myocardial Injury Phenotype by Thermal Liquid Biopsy" in the esteemed Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine…
Update on Dr. Lidani, a ScientistA Award finalist!
Update on Dr. Karita Lidani's Remarkable Achievement:Following our recent celebration of Dr. Karita Lidani's nomination for the prestigious ScientistA award, we are pleased to provide an update.…