
Title and Department
Associate Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology Oncology
Director and Project Management Officer
Innovative Translational Research Shared Resource
Professional bio

Kimberly Dahlman, PhD, has a research interest in understanding tumor response and resistance to targeted therapies and immunotherapy. She directs a core laboratory (Innovative Translational Research Shared Resource) that partners with oncologists to guide, manage, and facilitate pre-clinical and clinical trial laboratory discoveries.

This collaborative work has uncovered novel tumor driver mutations and mechanisms of acquired resistance to targeted therapies leading to changes in clinical tumor genotyping assays at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, pre-clinical studies of novel cancer treatments, high-impact peer-reviewed publications, and multiple grants awarded to Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center investigators.

In addition to her cancer research pursuits, she has a strong interest in education for biomedical science PhD trainees, medical students, and faculty. She co-leads the Integrated Science Courses (ISCs) at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (VUSM) and co-directs the “Precision Cancer Medicine” ISC. She also serves as a Small Group Facilitator for 1st-year medical students, a facilitator of Educator Development Core workshops, and a mentor for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the “Business for Scientists Module” supported by the VUSM Biomedical Research, Education, and Training office.

Dr. Dahlman is also involved in leadership and educational activities for the Southeastern Association of Shared Resources and the Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities, organizations that provide a forum for core directors, managers, and scientists to meet, discuss, and collaborate on administrative and scientific topics.

BS - Lafayette College
PhD - Cancer Biology - Vanderbilt University