Dr. Yash Choksi
  • Dr. Bobak Parang matched into Internal Medicine (Research Track) at the NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City, NY. Congratulations, Dr. Parang!
  • Joshua Thompson received a poster award at the 2017 FASEB Gastrointestinal Tract XVII meeting in Steamboat Springs, Colorado for his work defining molecular interactions of BCAR3 with the cMET receptor tyrosine kinase. Congratulations, Joshua!
  • Dr. Yash Choksi was selected to serve as the Chief Fellow of the Harrison Society (the Vanderbilt Physician Scientist Training Program) from 2017-2018. Congratulations, Dr. Choksi!
  • Rachel Brown and Jennifer Pilat were elected Philanthropy Chair and Communications Chair, respectively, of the Cancer Biology Student Association (CBSA). The CBSA hosted the 17th Annual Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Host-Tumor Interactions Program and Program in Cancer Biology Retreat for Cancer Research, at which they raised $1500 to benefit Gilda’s Club of Middle Tennessee, a non-profit that offers support groups, lectures, workshops, and social events for cancer patients and their families.
  • Dr. Yash Choksi was selected for two oral presentations and honored with a Young Investigator Award for his studies on eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) transcriptomic profiling at Digestive Disease Week 2017. Congratulations, Dr. Choksi!
  • Dr. Yash Choksi was selected for an oral presentation and honored with a CURED (Campaign for Urging Research in Eosinophilic Disease) Travel Award for his work investigating the sub-laryngeal region in EoE patients. Congratulations, Dr. Choksi!
  • Joshua Thompson received a Basic Science Travel Award and gave a Quick Shots oral presentation at Digestive Disease Week 2017 for his work on BCAR3 and colorectal cancer. Congratulations, Joshua!
  • Dr. Yash Choksi was invited to give Medical Grand Rounds in November 2017 to discuss his work surrounding the role of BVES in colitis and intestinal wound healing. Congratulations, Dr. Choksi!
  • Dr. Sarah Short was selected for an oral presentation and honored with a Young Investigator Award for her studies on tissue-specific contributions of Selenoprotein P at the Se2017 international selenium conference in Stockholm, Sweden. Congratulations, Dr. Short!
  • Dr. Sarah Short won First Place for her poster on the role of STK17A in colon cancer cells at the 2017 Vanderbilt Postdoctoral Association Research Symposium. Congratulations, Dr. Short!
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