Rachel Brown was selected for a talk at the 18th Annual CBSA/VICC Retreat for Cancer Research, where she won 3rd Place Best Graduate Student/Postdoc Oral Presentation. Congratulations, Rachel!
Jen Pilat received a High Scoring Abstract award at the 18th Annual CBSA/VICC Retreat for Cancer Research. Congratulations, Jen!
Rachel Brown and Jennifer Pilat were elected Philanthropy Co-Chair and Academic Co-Chair, respectively, of the Cancer Biology Student Association (CBSA). The CBSA hosted the 18th Annual Program in Cancer Biology/Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC) Retreat for Cancer Research, at which they raised $1850 to benefit Gilda’s Club of Middle Tennessee, a non-profit that offers support groups, lectures, workshops, and social events for cancer patients and their families.
Dr. Yash Choksi received Vanderbilt's inaugural Supporting Careers in Research for Interventional Physicians and Surgeons (SCRIPS) award. Vanderbilt is one of 5 national institutions to receive $2.5 million from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund to address the national shortage of physician-scientist researchers. The primary goal of Dr. Choksi's project is to elucidate the mechanistic role of Glutathione Peroxidase 3 (Gpx3) in EoE disease pathogenesis.
Dr. Sarah Short was selected for an oral presentation and received a travel award to the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine's 2018 Annual Conference for her research on tissue-specific contributions of Selenoprotein P in inflammatory intestinal tumorigenesis.
Jen Pilat received a favorable score on her F31 NRSA Individual Fellowship grant application to NIH/NCI. Congratulations, Jen!
Rachel Brown was selected for an MSTP Travel Award to attend the joint APSA/ASCI/AAP meeting in Chicago, Illinois for her work on MTG16 transcriptional regulation in intestinal epithelial response to injury. Congratulations, Rachel!
Rachel Brown passed her qualifying exams and is now officially a Ph.D. candidate. Congratulations, future Dr. Brown!
Rachel Brown received an F30 NRSA Individual Fellowship grant for her work studying MTG16 in intestinal biology. Congratulations, Rachel!
Jen Pilat passed her qualifying exams and is now officially a Ph.D. candidate. Congratulations, future Dr. Pilat!
Dr. Yash Choksi’s publication, “BVES is required for maintenance of colonic epithelial integrity in experimental colitis by modifying intestinal permeability,” was featured in the VUMC Reporter.
Malek Jacobs was awarded the 2018 Lou DeFelice Summer Student Travel Award to attend the 2018 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students in Indianapolis, Indiana. Congratulations, Malek!
Dr. Yash Choksi finished his Fellowship in Gastroenterology as a Harrison Society Scholar and was promoted to Clinical Instructor in 2018. As of 2022, Dr. Chocksi is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Congratulations, Dr. Choksi!
Joshua Thompson was selected for an oral presentation and received an Early Stage Investigator Award and a Basic Science Travel Award at Digestive Disease Week 2018 for his work on BVES and Wnt Signaling regulation. Congratulations, Joshua!
Dr. Sarah Short was selected for an oral presentation and received an Early Stage Investigator Award at Digestive Disease Week 2018 for her work on MTGR1 in stem cell maintenance. Congratulations, Dr. Short!
Dr. Sarah Short won Best Poster Overall at the 2018 Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Annual Scientific Retreat for her work on MTGR1 in intestinal epithelial homeostasis. Congratulations, Dr. Short!
Joshua Thompson was selected for an MSTP Travel Award to attend the joint APSA/ASCI/AAP meeting in Chicago, Illinois for his work on BCAR3 in colorectal cancer migration and metastasis. Congratulations, Joshua!
Dr. Niyati Vachharajani received the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations, Dr. Vachharajani!
Dr. Sarah Short received a 2018 Fellow Abstract Prize from the American Gastroenterological Association for her studies on MTGR1 in intestinal stem cells. Congratulations, Dr. Short!
Dr. Sarah Short won First Place for her poster on the effects of MTGR1 loss in intestinal epithelial homeostasis at the 2018 Vanderbilt Postdoctoral Association Research Symposium. Congratulations, Dr. Short!