Team TOR: Ariel Raybuck, Lab Manager; Jessica (Jingxin) Li, Research Assistant
Team ART Sung Hoon Cho, Ph.D., Research Assistant Faculty; Juyeon Lim, Research Assistant
Team Metabolism & Hypoxia: Shawna McLetchie, Grad Student; Sung Hoon Cho, Ph.D., Research Assistant Faculty; Edna Kemboi, Research Assistant; Ariel Raybuck, Lab Manager; Jessica Li, Research Assistant
Shawna K BROOKENS (nee, McLetchie), PhD | Vanderbilt (Boothby lab) - post-doctoral research University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia PA) in laboratory of Avery Posey, |
Ariel L RAYBUCK, BS | .- Scientist, MedImmune - AstraZeneca |
Jessica LI, BS | - Medical Scientist Training Program, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia PA) |
Edna KEMBOI, BS | - Nursing school |
Earlier Alumni
Earlier Alumni | Former Role in lab | Current Position |
Alex Dranovsky, MD, PhD | Research Asstant | (SUNY Stonybrook; currently Associate Professor, Psychiatry / Neuroscience faculty, Columbia Univ., NY (K08 & now R01 awardee as PI) |
Andrea Cherrington, MD | Research Asstant | (Currently - MD, Professor of Medicine, UAB, Birmingham, AL) |
Sarah Stanley, | Research Asstant, (Associate Professor with tenure, UC-Berkeley, after completed Ph.D. at UCSF & post-doc @ Broad Inst. & MIT) | |
Linda ('Lynn') Stephenson (nee Dzurek) (VUMC PhD | Student | Director, Global special projects, Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, after a post-doctoral fellowship, Dept. of Pathology, Washington University Medical School, St. Louis MO |
Radiah Corn | Meharry Medical College PhD student | Professor & Department Chair, North Carolina A & T (after a post-doctoral fellowship, NIEHS, Research Triangle, NC) |
Earlier ALumni | Current Role |
Ding-Zhi Wang, PhD | (Professor, University of South Carolina via Deptartment of Cancer Biology., MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX and AZ S U) |
Mark Aronica, MD | (Asstant Professor equivalent, Deptar.ments of Medicine, and Immunology, Lerner Res. Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation) (K08 & R01 awardee as PI) |
Ana L Mora, MD | (Professor and Vice-Director of Division, Dept. of Medicine, Ohio State University, via Emory, U. Pittsburgh M.C.) (K01; R01 awardee) |
Jeehee Youn, PhD | (Professor, Dept. of Anatomy/Cell Biology, Hanyang University Medical School, Seoul, Korea) |
Shreevrat Goenka, PhD | (Assistant Professor, University of Indiana School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN) (R01 awardee as PI) (deceased) |
Eric Adeeku, PhD | (staff Microbiologist, US Food & Drug Administration, Rockville, MD) |
Fuping Zhang, PhD | (Professor, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China) |
Keunwook Lee, PhD | (Assistant. Professor Hallym University, Korea)Jennie Hamilton, Ph.D. (currently in M.D. program, U. of Tennessee, Memphis, TN) |