Amanda Ackermann's CV

Amanda Ackermann

Vanderbilt University
Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
Program in Developmental Biology
PRB 746, 2220 Pierce Avenue 
Nashville , TN 37232 
Work: (615) 936-2683 
Cell: (210) 827-6719


Southwestern University, GeorgetownTX May 2002
B.S., Biology, Chemistry
GPA: 3.9/4.0


Vanderbilt UniversityNashvilleTN 
Medical Scientist Training Program
Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics Ph.D. expected May 2008
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Thesis: The Role of Foxm1 in Regulating Beta Cell Mass Regeneration and Expansion. 
Advisor: Dr. Maureen Gannon
M.D. expected May 2010


Research Interests 
diabetes, developmental biology, endocrinology, stem cell biology


Professional Associations 
Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society (Delta Alpha Chapter President, 2001-02) 1999-2002
Society for Developmental Biology 2006-present


- National Merit Scholarship, 1998
- President�s Scholarship; Southwestern University, 1998-2002
- Pre-Med Scholarship; Southwestern University, 1998-2002
- Outstanding General Chemistry Student; Southwestern University, 2000
- Biology Student of the Year; Southwestern University, 2002
- Phi Beta Kappa, 2002
- Canby Robinson Scholarship; Vanderbilt University, 2002
- Best Graduate Student Oral Presenation; Molecular Physiology & Biophysics Departmental Retreat, Vanderbilt University, 2007
- Medical Scholars Training Award; American Diabetes Association, 2007-2008


Relevant Experience 
Research Assistant, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Summer 2000, 2001
Laboratory of Brian K. Pilcher, Department of Cell Biology
Focus: signaling pathways activated in keratinocytes during wound healing

Ackermann AM
 and Gannon M. (2007) Molecular regulation of beta cell mass development, maintenance, and expansion. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 38 (2): 193-206.

Zhang H, Ackermann AMGusarova GALowe DE, Feng X, Kopsombut UG, Costa RH, and Gannon M. (2006) The FoxM1 transcription factor is required to maintain pancreatic beta cell mass. Molecular Endocrinology. 20 (8): 1853-1866.


Ackermann AM and Gannon M. (2007) Pancreatic beta cell mass regeneration and expansion -- A role for FoxM1? Developmental Biology. 306 (1): 395.

Ackermann AM, Zhang H, Costa RH, and Gannon M. (2006) Diabetes. 55 (Sup 2): A358.

Ackermann AM
 and Gannon M. (July 27-30, 2007) Pancreatic beta cell mass regeneration and expansion -- A role for FoxM1?. Poster presented at the National MSTP Student Conference, Keystone, CO.

Ackermann AM and Gannon M. (June 16-20, 2007) Pancreatic beta cell mass regeneration and expansion -- A role for FoxM1?. Poster presented at the Pan-American Congress in Developmental Biology, Cancun, Mexico.

Ackermann AM and Gannon M. (May 4-6, 2007) Pancreatic beta cell mass regeneration and expansion -- A role for FoxM1?. Poster presented at the Southeast Regional Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, Chapel Hill, NC.

Ackermann AM, Zhang H, Costa RH, and Gannon M. (June 9-13, 2006) Beta cell mass expansion is regulated by FoxM1. Poster presented at the 66th Annual American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, Washington D.C.

Ackermann AM, Zhang H, Costa RH, and Gannon M. (April 7-9, 2006) Beta cell mass regeneration and expansion are regulated by FoxM1. Poster presented at the Southeast Regional Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, Nashville, TN.

Ackermann AM, Zhang H, Lowe DE, Costa RH, and Gannon M. (June 29-July 1, 2005) Pancreatic beta cell neogenesis and proliferation: requirement for FoxM1. Poster presented at the Southeast Regional Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, AthensGA.


Ackermann AMZhang H, Lowe DE, Costa RH, and Gannon M. (June 10-14, 2005) Beta cell neogenesis and proliferation: requirement for FoxM1. Poster presented at the 65thAnnual American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, San DiegoCA.


Ackermann AMZhang H, Lowe DE, Costa RH, and Gannon M. (May 23-25, 2005) Pancreatic beta cell neogenesis and proliferation: requirement for FoxM1. Poster presented at the 2nd Symposium on Morphogenesis and Regenerative Medicine, CharlottesvilleVA.