Principal Investigator

Huize Pan, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Department of Medicine
Cardiovascular Medicine

Huize Pan, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He is a cell biologist with research interests in revealing how atherosclerosis progresses from the cellular perspective and identifying potential molecular targets to combat the disease.

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Dr. Pan has pioneered the discoveries of novel smooth muscle cell-related cell and molecular targets for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and has characterized atherosclerosis as a tumor-like disease. His studies have advanced the understanding of pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and opened new areas for mechanism-based precision medicine strategies to prevent and treat the disease. He applies multidisciplinary approaches from cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, single-cell genomics, human genetics, pharmacology, cell lineage tracing and atheroprone mouse models.

Dr. Pan's current research is mainly centered on the regulatory mechanisms and translational potential of smooth muscle cell phenotypic plasticity within the context of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. His work has resulted in a record of high-impact publications and esteemed awards.

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Lab Members

Ethan Y. Xie

Summer Intern

Department of Medicine
Cardiovascular Medicine

Ethan Y. Xie is a sophomore at the University of California at Berkeley and summer student working in the Huize Pan Lab, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.