
Title and Department
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Biostatistics
Professional bio

Svetlana K. Eden, PhD, is a Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Her statistical expertise and interests include survival analysis, semi-/non-parametric methods, and causal inference. She is currently working on the association of prescribed antidepressants in the context of mortality and cardiovascular outcomes in the Veteran National cohort.

Dr. Eden develops statistical designs and analyze observational studies and clinical trials in collaboration with the cardiovascular and anesthesiology departments. She work with the National Veteran Cohort, Medicare, and Electronic Health Records (EHR) data. Her statistical interests include survival analysis, non-/semi-parametric methods, and causal inference. In survival analysis, she has developed non-parametric and semi-parametric methods of estimating unadjusted, adjusted, and conditional correlations between two time-to-event variables.

She has a long-standing interest in causal inference methodology, including inverse probability matching and weighting, marginal structural models, mediation analysis, and Mendelian randomization. In applied statistical research, she is currently working on the association of body temperature during surgery with various morbidity outcomes, the association of prescribed opioid receipt with cardiovascular outcomes, and the association of prescribed antidepressants with mortality and cardiovascular outcomes.

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