
NextSeq 2000
NextSeq 2000 is Illumina's sequencing instrument. We use our NextSeq 2000 for Olink Explore Proteomic analysis.

mosquto LV
mosquito LV simplifies assay miniaturization within automated, high throughput settings. The easy-to-use instrument enables researchers to benefit from the significant time and reagent savings of minimal dead volumes (under 0.3 μL) and maximize return on research investment.

dragonfly discovery
dragonfly discovery enables innovative, low volume reagent dispensing across a broad range of applications including genomics, assay development, and 3D cell cultures. Highly repeatable and accurate low volume dispensing, rapid large volume dispensing, and ultra-low dead volumes allow researchers to minimize reagent costs, save time, and standardize assays for superior quality data.

epMotion 5075tc

BioMark HD
The BioMark HD Real-Time PCR System provides the ability to use a wide variety of sample types, multiple chemistry choices. The system offers unparalleled throughput for real-time PCR and digital PCR, integrating thermal cycling and fluorescence detection on Integrated Fluidic Circuits (IFCs). Integrated Fluidic Circuits significantly improve productivity by enabling the simultaneous performance of PCR reactions in nanoliter volumes. This is made possible by miniaturizing and integrating liquid handling components on a single microfluidic device.
The BioMark System consists of a real-time PCR instrument, Dynamic Array IFCs for multiplexing the samples and reagents, as well as an IFC loader to load the Dynamic Array IFCs. As compared to the TLDA system, flexible targets (chip to chip) are possible.

Juno is an IFC Controller and Thermal Cycler. It helps us to use any Dynamic Arrays for different applications.

BioMicroLab XL9
The BioMicroLab XL9 tube handler for 96-format microtubes can be configured with labeling, sample tracking, and volume detection capabilities. With a 9-rack capacity, this is ideal for laboratories just starting out with automation or with limited benchtop space.

Viaflo384 is an everyday pipettor. We use it for all kind of 96 well and 384 well pipetting. It saves time and money every time we use it.

MagNa Lyser
The MagNa Lyser simplifies labor-intensive sample preparation. We can efficiently homogenize a wide variety of sample materials. The MagNa Lyser prevents nucleic acid degradation with the bench top cooling block and can homogenize up to 16 samples in just a few seconds. It reduces hands-on time by replacing the mortar and pestle and other manual methods. It performs consistent and reproducible sample disruption. This method is appropriate for different sample types.

QIAcube uses Qiagen spin columns isolation kits, enabling seamless integration of automated, low-throughput sample preparation. All steps in the purification procedure are fully automated. Up to 12 samples can be processed per run. RNA, DNA isolations and PCR product purifications can be performed in a fully automated manner.

Bioanalyzer allows for the measurement of DNA or RNA concentrations in a small volume of sample without dilution.

JANUS Automated Workstation
Janus is a liquid handling robot that provides rapid pipetting with superior QC. It has a Varispan 8 channel and gripper arm.

QuantStudio3 Real-Time PCR Instrument



Vacuum Concentrator

Hamilton Star