The Center for Professional Health at Vanderbilt University Medical Center focuses on healthcare providers and their well-being.

We promote professionalism and healthy relationships through mandated courses, leadership training, and coaching services.

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The Center for Professional Health at Vanderbilt University Medical Center offers preventative programs, leadership training, and coaching services in the Section for Health and Wellness and mandated courses in the Swiggart Section for Professional Development

We have recently added a Hospital Consulting Service to help small healthcare systems identify the root causes of burnout and implement practical solutions that foster a culture of well-being. 

All our programs are grounded in the belief that with proper training, knowledge, tools, and practice, healthcare providers can prevent and overcome the negative effects of burnout and distress. With new self-awareness, they can improve work relationships, communicate more effectively, and find deeper joy in their work.

The Center for Professional Health (CPH) is located at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) in Nashville,  part of the Division of General Internal Medicine and Public Health. The VUMC Faculty Wellness Committee is located within CPH and is chaired by Dr. Charlene Dewey.

We invite you to explore our educational offerings and contact us with any questions.

We believe that self-investment is the best investment you can make. Reach your educational goals with the Center for Professional Health!


This course, which includes a three-day program an…

CPH director Dr. Charlene Dewey elected to the…

CPH now offers a Hospital Consulting Service that…

Charlene Dewey, MD, MEd, MACP, professor of Med…