
Title and Department
Course Instructor
Center for Professional Health
Professional bio

Ayne-Wallace Nichols, LCSW, has been in the mental health field for over 10 years. She began her career working with adolescents struggling with substance use and dependance and their families. Over the last seven years Nichols has been working with Vanderbilt to provide case consultation, training, and trauma/attachment assessment for the Department of Children’s Services. Trainings included SBIRT (Screening Brief Intervention and Referral for Treatment) and strategies for interviewing caregivers about mental health concerns. Through all of it Nichols has maintained a private practice where she provides psychotherapy for individuals with a range of needs.

Nichols is a member of the course faculty for "Professional Development for Distressed Physician Behaviors" and "Proper Prescribing of Controlled Substances" at the Center for Professional Health.
